ZimSculpt at Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens
ZimSculpt exhibit arrives at the Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens
The sound of chisels clinking against stone will be echoing throughout the Peace River Botanical Gardens from February 4 through April 18, 2022.
ZimSculpt, a world-renowned exhibition of modern Zimbabwean stone sculptures, only travels from Africa to North America once a year to be displayed at a preselected Garden. In 2022, this prestigious honor has been bestowed upon the Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens in Punta Gorda, making our local sanctuary of art and nature the only place one can experience this blockbuster exhibition.
These exquisite sculptures are famous for their striking style that is unique to the Shona tribe of southern Africa. The art is carved from various types of serpentine and semi-precious stone, often weighs tons, and can be as large as seven feet tall. The ZimSculpt organization represents an artist collective of roughly one hundred sculptors. Valuing fair trade, these sculptures have been ethically sourced and artists are fairly compensated for their talent.
More than 100 of these magnificent sculptures will be displayed artfully throughout the garden, and excitingly, all pieces on display are purchasable. An additional Zimbabwean marketplace will be present at the gardens during the event, where hundreds of unique carvings, traditional baskets, and striking jewelry pieces will be on sale.
Special events will also be occurring during the run of the ZimSculpt exhibition. The highlight of the event will be Zimbabwean sculptors Passmore Mupindiko and Brighton Layson demonstrating their masterful artistry on select days.
Experience some of the finest contemporary stone sculptures in the world, right here in Punta Gorda!
Adults: $18
Seniors (65+): $15
Students up to 18: $9
Child 5 & under: Free
SNAP Recipients through Museums for All program: $5
Reciprocal Admissions $13-($5 discount)
Member Price $10, ($8 discount)
We will have a Members Monday on the 2nd Monday of each month where members are free!
Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite or purchased at the gate.
For more information: www.peacerivergardens.org/zimsculpt
Date and Time
Friday Feb 4, 2022 Monday Apr 18, 2022
February 4th through April 18th daily.
5827 Riverside DrivePhysical Address
Punta Gorda, FL 33982, USA
Admission: Adults: $18 Seniors (65+): $15 Students up to 18: $9 Child 5 & under: Free SNAP Recipients through Museums for All program: $5 Reciprocal Admissions $13-($5 discount) Member Price $10, ($8 discount) We will have a Members Monday on the 2nd Monday of each month where members are free! Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite or purchased at the gate.
Contact Information
(941) 621-8299
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