Member To Member Deals
Labor Day Savings!
Labor Day savings on interior, exterior, driveway, and pool deck painting
Save with Burst of Colors Painting!
Cigar Special for Chamber Members
Come visit Fedora's Cigar & Wine Bar at 2117 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 and let us know you are a chamber member and receive 10% off your cigar purchase! Only good until 9/30/24
Chamber members get 10% off cigars
Complimentary VA Disability Rating Audit
Feeling stuck in the VA Claim system? Discover if you or your spouse's Disability Rating could be higher for service-connected injuries.
Live with Financial Security & Peace of Mind
Hawaiian Getaway Sailing March 28th - April 4th 2026 Seven days of Ambiance
Balconies from $6500. With beverage packages, specialty dining package, internet packages and shore excursion discounts
Hawaiian Cruise with your agent for seven days of pure ambiance!